By Bryn Yasui, Customer Support Specialist at MoxiWorks
The key to a successful business is thinking outside of the box to help others. Every day we strive to improve the business of agents with our forward-thinking and dynamic approach to bettering the real estate market. But we also donate annually to a non-profit organization from our own paychecks and fundraisers as well as take an entire day off to do community service. Inside and outside of the office, we are continuously striving to better the lives of others.
This year, MoxiWorks decided to do something a bit out of our usual beneficiary sphere and help more than just agents, brokerages, and our local community. Last Friday, a representative from Be The Match came into our headquarters to offer Moxians the opportunity to join the world’s largest bone marrow registry.
Be The Match is a 30-year-old non-profit organization that connects patients with biologically compatible donors around the globe. With their groundbreaking medical technology, they have been able to transplant precious stem cells to blood cancer patients in critical condition.
William Linafelter, Senior Payroll and HR Specialist proposed the philanthropic idea after discovering he could put himself on the registry in the event that his bone marrow matched with a patient. William discovered how valuable a non-profit like Be the Match is for blood cancer patients after someone close to him spent part of their senior year of high school fighting Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, a specific type of lymphoma which attacks the lymph nodes and inhibits the body’s natural ability to battle infections.
“This affects me personally because someone very close to me had Hodgkin’s Lymphoma and although she didn’t need a transplant, if it did get a lot more serious, it could’ve been a case where that was the only option,” said Linafelter.
As a member of the registry for over two years now, William has felt honored to be part of such a huge movement to cure patients who went through similar cases like his sister’s. According to William, when a patient needs a bone marrow transplant, it’s a life or death situation, which is why the need for a robust selection of donors is so great.
Ring Nishioka, VP of Operations at MoxiWorks said, “We are really excited to be able to partner with Be The Match. Donating blood isn’t something everyone in our diverse workforce is able to participate in. We are adding Be The Match so that anyone and everyone can sign up to help out if it’s something that they’re passionate about.”
For a critically ill patient to find a compatible match, there is less than a 1% chance for a patient to match with someone on the registry. Although the chances are slim, MoxiWorks hopes to contribute our diverse demographic to the cause.
“I wanted to get [Moxi] involved because, in most cases, they want younger donors, since they have healthier marrow to pull from. Since we are a tech company, we have a lot of young people and minorities, making a diverse workforce,” said Linafelter. “Every new person who joins the registry increases the likelihood that patients in need can find a match. While even a single new registration counts as a win, I’m happy to report that several Moxians have elected to join the registry!”
MoxiWorks hopes to provide more ongoing support for non-profit organizations in any way possible. Stay tuned with our blog for more news on how MoxiWorks is making an impact!