Recruiting & Retention December 5, 2018

Taking Your Brokerage Tech Stack to the Next Level in 2019

By Jessie Trapp, Marketing Coordinator 

brokerage tech stack header imageThe Times Square ball is still several weeks away from dropping, yet the year 2019 is already stacking up to be a massive one for the world of real estate. So, if you’ve been looking for a sign to up your technology game, consider this the bright flashing florescent sign that can’t be missed.

Curating an effective tech stack for your brokerage is a never-ending process that requires constant evaluation. Considering all of the massive shifts happening within our industry, it’s time to take a look at your current tech lineup and determine what changes need to be made in order to take things to the next level.

Here are a few key must-haves for your tech stack checklist to ensure that you remain on top throughout the coming year:

1. Open platform

At this point in the evolution of real estate tech, not having an open platform is like not being on Facebook – it does a lot more harm than good.

A few reasons why you absolutely need an open platform:

  • It enables you to create a custom tech stack that fits the unique needs of your brokerage.
  • It provides your agents with an end-to-end workflow solution.
  • It gives you the ability to choose new integrations down the road, so you can always adapt to market changes.
  • It allows you to integrate new tools at any time, meaning as your brokerage grows, so can your tech stack.

These are only a few of the many reasons why open platforms are the key to thriving and remaining competitive throughout changing markets and competitive landscapes.

2. Connected

If you already have an open platform (you rock), make sure that you’re leveraging it in every way possible. Again, one of the major advantages of this format is the ability it gives you to stretch your data throughout every aspect of your business, which is why it’s important that you have every single tool plugged into, and benefiting from, the database that can be.

This means that your agent’s CRM should be able to share data with their marketing programs, CMA tools, advertising programs, websites, and so on. The more of your tech that is integrated into your open platform, the more productive and efficient your agents will be.

The key here is connectivity, as the benefits that it brings to your agents’ workflows, and lives in general, are priceless. The single-sign-on tech will help them see value in staying with your team long-term, giving you yet another helpful tool for recruiting and retaining agents.

3. Innovative tools

Although sticking with your existing technology simply because it’s what you’ve always used may not necessarily feel like settling, failing to explore all of your options can have significant financial consequences. It’s important to always consider the latest and greatest tools out there.

Does your tech provider have any new releases coming out this year? If so, reach out to them and get the scoop on how the new tools and features can boost your business. Then, after you get the low-down, evaluate how your current programs are working for you and determine if adding the new tools to your tech stack would be beneficial for your brokerage.

If you aren’t happy with your tools, now is the time to switch to ones that will bring results and help you crush the massive goals you’re setting for yourself. Stay in a competitive mindset and never settle for “content” – it will take you far.

4. Recruiting tools

You want the best agents, but the old school methods of recruiting just won’t do the trick anymore. New threats are entering the market and being ahead of the game with your recruiting efforts is more important than ever, so be sure to have the right tricks (and tools) up your sleeves.

A truly innovative tech stack includes programs that go beyond just the daily workflow tasks of your recruiters and managers, and actually supports them in finding the best agents and winning them over.

If you don’t already have a recruiting tool in your technology stack, consider adding one as soon as possible to up your chances of crossing the t’s and dotting the i’s with the top producing agents out there.

The shiny penny.

These days, there’s a basic level of technology that a brokerage must offer to even have a shot at remaining competitive. That’s why the key to catching the eyes of prospects is going beyond the basics and offering something that no one else has – the shiny penny if you will.

Agents are looking to you for support, so look for tools that allow you to bring value that your competition isn’t. Our new brokerage subsidization tool within MoxiMarketing is a great example of this, as it serves as a unique offering that will make you look good in the eyes of your agents, and that will make everyone more money. Who wouldn’t love the sound of that?

Your tech stack is just that – it’s yours. It should include all the bells and whistles that your brokerage needs to succeed, plus all the ability to add the tools you’ll need to thrive in the future.

Interested in learning more about what the MoxiCloud open platform has to offer? Learn more here, or contact our team for a consultation.