Real Estate MarketingTips and Tricks May 13, 2019

Real Estate Facebook Best Practices 2019 – Part 1

By Jessie Trapp, Marketing Coordinator 


Facebook best practices for real estateChanges to the Facebook algorithm tend to throw users of all types through a loop: brands, businesses, friends, and nowadays, probably even the tech-savvy grandma.

You work hard to fine-tune your social media strategy to drive the highest performance possible for your posts, yet it can be tricky to keep up with the current best practices for the platform. Regardless of frequent algorithm changes, there are several key factors that play into how your content is ranked that seem to remain consistent.

Here are the Facebook best practices 2019 for optimizing your real estate business’ Facebook page and posts:

1. Video rules all.

What should come as no surprise to social media diehards is, video outperforms virtually all other forms of content, so it’s best to use it whenever possible. In fact, Facebook videos have been found to earn 135% more reach and generate 59% more engagement than posts with only a single, still image.

A few more video stats:

Need some help making killer videos for your social media? Check out these video tools.

2. Short & sweet.

Finding the balance between making your post copy short yet valuable can be difficult. However, considering that 88% of Facebook users are accessing the platform on a mobile device, formatting your content to make it easy to consume on-the-go is worth the effort.

According to a study done by BuzzSumo, keeping your posts under 50 characters is ideal for optimal engagement.

3. Conversation.

Over the past few years, Facebook has been vocal about shifting its algorithm’s focus to personal engagement, meaning the more conversation your posts generate, the better they will perform.

A few conversation-generating content ideas:

• Share a personal story
• Ask for reviews & feedback
• Post jokes and memes that your audience will appreciate
• Share a real estate-related statistic
• Take a poll

4. Post often.

Many Facebook pros have differing opinions when it comes to the “magic number” of times you should post per day in order to have the biggest impact possible, but research shows that posting twice per day is a great starting point.

With two posts a day, you’ll begin driving the levels of impressions and engagement you’re striving for and gaining insights into your follower base, without risking too many unfollows due to over-posting.

5. Know when to post.

Not all audiences are alike, so make sure to get familiar with yours. Use analytics tools to get a read on what times & days your followers are likely to be on social media and post accordingly. Here’s an in-depth overview of the built-in Facebook insights tools, along with a rundown of how to use them.

As a general rule, it’s been found that weekends and evenings tend to be the best times to post, although most businesses also post content outside of those windows, depending on the content type and general habits in their industry.

6. Keep it genuine.

To keep us honest, the Facebook algorithm favors posts that naturally generate likes, comments, and shares because of the awesome content in them, not because you directly asked your followers to engage.

Facebook scans for posts that explicitly ask for engagement and will rank them lower in your follower’s feed meaning less reach and impact for your biz, so make sure to avoid this risky practice.

Regardless of the amount of time and effort you choose to allocate to your business’ Facebook account, your time is valuable and it’s important to be strategic about making the most of the time you put into it. By incorporating these best practices into your content strategy, you’ll be generating a bigger impact while keeping your work load to a minimum.

We hope these Facebook best practices 2019 help! Want to extend your reach even further on Facebook? Great, we have exactly what you need.