March 6, 2018

The number one reason why realtors need to advertise on Facebook

save time advertising on facebookBy Maddie Jostol

If you aren’t already, get on Facebook now. Agent ads are what is going to drive your business and doing so on the largest social media platform is key. We understand it seems like a time consuming and overwhelming undertaking, but it doesn’t have to be. Use the right tools that help you work smarter, not harder.

The number one reason you need to advertise on Facebook: exposure. This may seem obvious, but its importance is often overlooked. Growing your sphere is the number one way you’ll be able to sustain and grow your real estate business in such a competitive market. What role do Facebook ads play? To put it simply, you’re getting your personal brand in front of a massive, targeted audience, with the click of a button.

Facebook not only has a huge pool of people, with 1.15 billion daily users, but it’s also the perfect platform for real estate. Facebook is visual, but informative. What’s that mean? Content that is successful on Facebook is eye-catching, yet informative, meaning a beautiful picture of a home (with some information and details on the listing available) does really well on Facebook. Consumers don’t only appreciate it, but they now expect digital marketing to be a part of an agents’ offering. Agent ads on Facebook are a simple way to impress your clients with the ability to show them how many eyes you got on their listings.

We recently expanded our Moxi Marketing suite, adding Advertise Your Services, which allows agents to promote themselves and their business quickly and easily. You just log into your MoxiWorks account, follow three guided steps, and voila! You can have promotions up and running in five minutes.

One concern we commonly hear from agents is that they know they need digital marketing, but they don’t want social media ads linked to their personal account. Use a system like Advertise Your Services, which doesn’t require your personal Facebook account to be linked. In fact, you can run agent ads without having a Facebook account at all.

Promote both yourself and what you do. Agent ads promoting both the service the agent offers and their success (active listings, recently sold listings), demonstrate that agents’ expertise. Gain exposure by marketing yourself – get in front of potential clients and make your name known in your area. Then, each time you win a new listing, boost it on Facebook. Not only will this win over your clients as they’ll be able to see the effort you’re putting in to market their home, but it will also generate leads for you as an active and successful agent.

Here’s the key: don’t wait. Get your marketing ramped up now. Gaining exposure through agent ads is a vital piece of ramping up for the busy season. You want your name to be well-known in your area as those listings start rolling in.