June 27, 2016

Building Community Through Service

Helping Others on Community Service Day

The crew here at Moxi Works recently spent the day volunteering at Ryther’s Seattle campus. Ryther is a leader in psychiatric and behavioral health services for children and their families facing complex challenges. The work they do is incredibly impactful; helping kids and our broader community.

In typical Moxi style, we broke up into groups and took on several projects at once. We washed and cleaned five of their vans for their Aspiring Youth program this summer. We built a new tool shed for storing their gardening tools. We cleaned weeds out of numerous flower beds and spread a dump truck load of garden mulch.

The Moxi Works team

We covered a patio with new stone pavers. And we built two new sandboxes and filled them with new sand. Whew! It was a lot of work, but all for a great cause.

Building one of two new sandbox areas for Ryther and their kids

And a special thanks to the employees at Ryther who had everything organized and ready for the day. You work at a very special place. Keep up the great work! We really enjoyed the day.

You can see more work photos on Ryther’s Facebook page.